
Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book  Were you looking for Class 9 IT 402 Code Books for the 2021 Exam? Yes, you are in the right place. In this post, you will get the official books provided by CBSE for the 2022 session. As everyone knows, CBSE brings some changes in its curriculum every year. Therefore, it is vital to get the latest information on the curriculum, book notes and all study materials. Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22 .Books are the best way to start your Because they provide objective information and expertly prepare to give you a simple and clear understanding.

Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22the year brought many changes to the curriculum of professional subjects such as CBSE and IT CODE 402. You have been given two book codes 402 on this subject this year. The first book is IT CODE 402. You have to study 5 chapters and read five chapters in the second book.

Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22Since you are given two books, you need to buy the right book from official sources. In this article, the link provided is from the start.

CBSE has already uploaded TI Code NCERT 402 class 9 books on its official website. Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22. Most of the students have difficulty getting the link to the books provided by CBSE. We’re here to provide you with the official textbooks for Part A: Employability Skills and Part B: Subject Specific Skills.

9 Book Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22

The book provided here is a vital part of your preparation. As everyone knows, Subject Code 402 is a vocational subject, so this subject is not taken seriously in most schools. Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22.To prepare for the board exam, you need to learn the concepts and everything with more concentration. There are books on this subject for you to read.

Information Technologies Class 9 Code 402 Book PDF Download

Information Technology has become a vital part of school education. In today’s life, every business needs computer technology. Therefore, to prepare students to learn computer technology in schools, NCERT has introduced information technology to IX. decided to present it as a teaching subject in the classroom. The CBSE board adopted this guide and applied information technology as a class 9 subject. You can buy the information technology book from Amazon or Flipkart.

But there may be students who want to get the book as a pdf. Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22. So this article is helpful for those students. Because we have given the links to download the new book for the 2021-2022 course, it book conforms to the latest curriculum created for the current year. Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22

You can check the latest curriculum on the official website of the CBSE panel. Here you will get the book in pdf set-up. You can save this file on your mobile phone. Information Technology Code 402 9th Grade Book PDF 2021-22You can read this book as a pdf wherever you want—no need to carry heavy pocketbooks.

Multiple Choice Questions

Read the questions prudently and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the question.

Q1. What is the drive of communication?

  1. Inform
  2. Influence
  3. Share thoughts, ideas, and feelings
  4. All of the above

Q2. Which of the following systems are used to receive information from the despatcher through a letter?

  1. Listening
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing

Q3. How do you receive information on the phone?

  1. Listening
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing

Q4. Choose the correct example of verbal message

  1. Reports
  2. Newspapers
  3. Face-to-face conversation
  4. Notes

Q5. When we communicate verbally, we should use _.

  1. difficult words
  2. simple words
  3. confusing words
  4. abbreviations

6. Why do we send emails?

  1. To reach on time
  2. share documents and files
  3. To talk to each other
  4. To meet each other

Q7. Which of these is a helpful (good) facial expression?

  1. Staring hard
  2. Nodding while listening
  3. Wrinkled forehead
  4. Looking away from the speaker

Q8. What does an upright (straight) body posture take/show?

  1. Shyness
  2. Fear
  3. Confidence
  4. Intelligence

Q9. Which of these is not a proper non-verbal message at work?

  1. Putting an arm around a colleague’s shoulder
  2. Shaking hands
  3. Looked at the speaker with a smile
  4. Standing with an upright posture

Q10. When you are preparing for a performance, you should.

  1. focus on the objectives of the performance
  2. practice your speech in front of a looking glass or friend
  3. do rehearsals to time your presentation of slides
  4. All of the above

11. What is a sentence?

  1. A group of concepts that form a complete paragraph
  2. A group of words that connect a complete thought
  3. A set of rules that we must follow to write correctly

12. Which of these sentences use uppercase letters correctly?

  1. I am Hungry
  2. Divya and Sunil are reading
  3. The bucket is Full of water
  4. She lives in Delhi.

Q13. Which of these sentences are punctuated correctly?

  1. Where are you going
  2. I have a pen, a pad and a pencil.
  3. I am so content to see you!
  4. This is Abdul’s house.

Q14. Identify the topic in the sentence. The children played football.

  1. The children
  2. Children played
  3. Played
  4. Football

Q15. Identify the thing in the sentence, and The children enjoy yourself

  1. The children
  2. Children played
  3. Played
  4. Football

16. Which of these sentences has both indirect and direct

  1. I am watching TV.
  2. She bought a blue pen.
  3. The girls played cricket.
  4. He wrote his sister a letter

Q17. Which of these judgements is in passive voice?

  1. They are watching a movie.
  2. Raju repaired the clock.
  3. He is sleeping in the room.
  4. My pet dog bit the postman.

Q18. What is phonetics?

  1. A study of how we write words in English
  2. It is the study of how people understand sentences.
  3. The study of how many disagreements the English language has.
  4. It is the study of the sounds we make when we speak.

Q19. What are the different types of sounds used in English

  1. Vowel sounds
  2. Diphthong sounds
  3. Consonant sounds
  4. All of the above

Q20. You say ‘Good Morning’ when it is ___.

  1. 11 am
  2. 9 am
  3. 8 am
  4. All of the above