Igfollower.net is a website that claims to provide free tools to increase the engagement of real Instagram followers and likes. It supports over 75 languages and allows users to identify the followers who are not following them back. However, some users have reported that this website is a scam and does not bring what it promises. Therefore, I would advise you to be careful before using this website or any similar ones.

Why do we need to Create a Dummy Account?

Why do we need to Create a Dummy Account_

We need to make a dummy account because IG Follower uses an automatic skill where your account will start following other Instagram profiles. The further your profile follows and likes different IG side views, the more followers and likes you can get. Thanks to the computerized feature, we need not follow others physically like we need to do in other apps.

So, creating a dummy account will help you prevent following random profiles. It is more helpful because Instagram terminates accounts that follow and unfollow many Instagram profiles. Even if your dummy account gets completed, you still have your main Instagram account safe.

Now, you might be thinking about how we get followers in our main account with the help of a dummy account. I got this IG Follower needs a random Insta account to login. The fake account will follow others and receive your credits directly. The credits can be cast off to send followers to your Instagram account. You must provide your IG username to get followers in your main account.

List of sites that are similar to igfollower.net

Many websites claim to be similar to igfollower.net and offer free Instagram followers and likes. However, I cannot guarantee their quality, safety, or legitimacy. Some of the websites that appear in the web search results are:

Projectinsta.com: The home of free Instagram followers.

Instafollowerspro.com: A free platform to get Instagram followers and likes for free and Fast.

Easygetinsta.com: A website that provides accurate and free Instagram followers and wants with coins.

Mrinsta.com: A complimentary Instagram growth platform designed to boost your profile’s popularity through engagement from real people.

Socialfollow.co: A website that lets you get 1000 free Instagram followers by following ten profiles of your interest.

These are some sites similar to igfollower.net, but there may be more. You should always research before using any of these websites and be careful about sharing your personal information or password with them.

How many Followers can we get in a day?

There is no limit. You can get followers as many as you want, but it is always a healthy decision to gradually use the IG Follower Net services.

An average user who uses it gradually gets up to 500 daily followers. I earned 2k followers earlier.

How do you use IG Follower Net to get followers on Instagram?

How do you use IG Follower Net to get followers on Instagram_

To use and gain followers, follow these steps. All steps are the same as for other services.

Visit IG Follower Net using the button below. This site has other versions, so visit the official site below.

  • Click on the “Logo in with Instagram” button.
  • Now, log in with your fake Instagram account. Make sure you use a fake account.
  • Select the free service you want to use. We use our free followers tool.
  • Now, enter the username of your main Instagram account. Click the “Search User” button.
  • Finally, click on the “Start” button. And that is.


Igfollower.net generates free Instagram followers for you. You can increase your followers on Instagram with IG Followers Net without a single penny. Free trials are essential to know if the tool is worth choosing.

Instagram followers from igfollower.net will be shown at the speed. If you place a huge order, it may take longer, but not too much.


igfollower.net needs your Instagram username and password, while you can get followers here. You can filter your privacy on Instagram. There is no detailed information about the Igfollower network for your reference.

Its use seems dangerous. For example, when you click on the blog, nothing appears about the blog. AG supporter. The network is not well designed. Please be careful when using it.IGFollower.Net Services

Instagram Followers Services

You can increase your followers on Instagram using our Instagram followers tricks tool. And it’s free. It is expected to become more popular on Instagram by increasing your followers.

Instagram Followers Services

·       Instagram Love

You can upload likes to your posts using the winning Instagram trick. Instagram Likes Cheat Tool is free. Your favorite Instagram posts appear in the search section and reach more people.

·       Instagram conversion earnings

Comment on your photos and videos. The cheat system for posting comments on Instagram allows you to send them. Comments are visible to the public. You can have a great conversation.

·       Instagram does not follow

You can recognize users who do not follow you on Instagram and leave a track. Their service is also free to sign in. Then click on the Instagram Unfollows link in the Tools section and start using it.

·       View Instagram story

You can upload likes to the posts you share using the winning Instagram trick. Instagram Likes Cheat Tool is free. Your favorite Instagram posts appear in the search section and reach more people.

·       Watch Instagram video

The video viewing hack allows you to submit views to the video on your profile. This way, you can gain different followers from the Discover section.

Is the IG followers network legitimate?

Yes, IG Follower Net is legit and works. They’ll send you followers, likes, and more instantly. But there is also a risk factor if it is not used with a fake account. Many Instagram accounts do not have fake accounts, or Instagram cancels them for using IG Follower Net. That is why IG Follower Net is very transparent about its free services and requires users to create fake accounts before using them.


While this site tool will help you increase your Instagram followers, remember that your Instagram account can be permanently deactivated.

It is because Instagram does not allow its users to use third-party requests to increase their followers on Instagram. You will, therefore, use this site at your own risk. Avoid using third-party apps if you don’t want to lose your Instagram account.