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Screenshot on PC – 6 Screenshot Commands, and More

Screenshot on PC

Screenshot on PC

Taking a screenshot on PC is very simple, as well as extremely useful; it will undoubtedly become one of your favourite tricks when using your computer.

Take a screenshot

How to take a screenshot on PC?

Capture the image:

Here we break down the 6 screenshot commands:

1. Print Screen (PrtScn): Capture the entire screen. If you have more than one display, it works as a single image displayed on all connected displays. However, it doesn’t save your image as a file through default and sends the content to the clipboard.

2. Alt + Print Screen:  Capture a single window. Make sure to first highlight the target window, such as a document or browser, before pressing these keys (or three on a laptop). Evasion also does not save the image as a file but instead sends it to the clipboard.

3. Win + Print Screen: Capture the entire screen. The change is that Windows saves the image as a file. By evasion, it is sent to C: Users Images Screenshots on your PC.

4.Win + Shift + S:  Take a screenshot with the built-in Snip & Sketch tool. The screen is dimmed and offers four options in a small toolbar: rectangular, freeform, window, and full screen. It also does not save the screenshots as images but instead sends them to the clipboard. We will detail this feature later.

5. Win + G: exposed the game bar. Clack the screenshot button, and this tool will save an image to C: Users Videos Captures by default. The Game Bar must be triggered in Settings> Games> Games> Game Bar to custom this tool.

6. Win + Alt + Print Screen: Capture the whole screen. Keeps an image to C: Users VideosCaptures by evasion. To custom this tool, make sure the Game Bar screen capture feature is activated in Settings> Games> Game Bar. However, the screen flickers or dims to indicate that Windows took a screenshot. If non, open File Explorer and go to the default locations to see if Windows saved the image.

Open the Paint program:

Here paste the screenshot (clipboard methods only):

Save the screenshot

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